waiting for the conference to begin-Continental Ballroom at the Cincinnati Hilton Netherland Plaza [photo by Laura Ross]
art deco lighting fixtures enhance hallways and ballrooms at the Cincinnati Hilton Netherland Plaza [photo by Laura Ross]
art deco touches around the hotel - Cincinnati Hilton Netherland Plaza [photo by Laura Ross]
Orchid Lounge and Palm Court at Cincinnati Hilton Netherland Plaza [photo by Laura Ross]
view from the Cincinnati Hilton of downtown Cincinnati, the Ohio River and Kentucky[photo by Laura Ross]
Fountain Square at night - downtown Cincinnati [photo by Laura Ross]
Ted Nelson, Kevin Case, Meredith Snow, Randy Whatley, Kimberly Tichenor, Martin Andersen, Paul Frankenfeld, Michael Moore, Peter de Boor, & Paul Austin after dinner at Fountain Square [photo by Laura Ross]
Cincinnati's Fountain Square [photo by Laura Ross]
Fountain Square - Cincinnati [photo by Laura Ross]
Volunteers wait to take their places at the ICSOM performance at David and Rebecca Barron Center for Men in Cincinnati [photo by Laura Ross]
string quintet at David and Rebecca Barron Center for Men-[L-R] Kimberly Tichenor (Louisville), Laura Ross (Nashville), Bert Witzel (Louisville), Bradley Mansell (Nashville), Barb Corbato (Grand Rapids) [photo by Dan Sweeley]
Kimberly Tichenor (Louisville) violin, Laura Ross (Nashville) violin, Bert Witzel (Louisville) bass, Bradley Mansell (Nashville) cello, Barb Corbato (Grand Rapids) viola performing at ICSOM Volunteer event[photo by Dan Sweeley]
Conference Coordinator and Local 1 President Paul Frankenfeld introduces quintet at David and Rebecca Barron Center for Men [photo by Paul Austin]
Bradley Mansell (Nashville Symphony cello) and Joseph Grimmer (Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra bassoon) performing at David and Rebecca Barron Center for Men [photo by Laura Ross]
Matt Comerford (Chicago Lyric trumpet) introduces the brass ensemble at David and Rebecca Barron Center for Men [photo by Paul Austin]
[L-R] Dan Kasteen (Louisville - trumpet), Harvey Mars (attorney - trombone), Michael Moore (Atlanta - tuba), Dan Sweeley (Buffalo - horn), Matt Comerford (Chicago Lyric - trumpet) at David and Rebecca Barron Center for Men [photo by Meredith Snow]
Kevin Kozak (Alabama-horn) introduces next work. (Seated L-R: Michael Moore, Dan Sweeley, Matt Comerford) [photo by Paul Austin]
[L-R] Dan Kasteen (Louisville-trumpet), Harvey Mars (attorney-trombone), Michael Moore (Atlanta-tuba), Dan Sweeley (Buffalo-horn), Kevin Kozak (Alabama-horn), Matt Comerford (Chicago Lyric-trumpet) at volunteer event [photo by Paul Austin]
ICSOM Counsel Kevin Case joins in the fun on a borrowed violin [photo by Meredith Snow]
A man of many hats - Paul Frankenfeld joins in on viola (with Barb Corbato), along with all his duties this week as conference coordinator, host, and President of Local 1 (and as a violist in the Cincinnati Symphony too!) [photo by Meredith Snow]
ICSOM Counsel Kevin Case (Violin 1), Laura Ross (Nashville-Violin 2), Debbie Brooks (Ft Worth-Cello), Bert Witzel (Louisville-Bass), Bradley Mansell (Nashville-Cello), Paul Frankenfeld (Cincinnati-Viola)[photo by Paul Austin]
NO MORE MAILBOXES!!! Name badges and other important information was distributed this year in individual envelopes. Most conference documents were available for download, so the trees were saved! [photo by Laura Ross]
view of Continental Ballroom from back of the room (notice the new badge envelopes replacing the mailboxes) during Tuesday evening negotiating orchestras workshop [photo by Laura Ross]
Tuesday evening negotiating orchestras workshop [photo by Laura Ross]
Wednesday morning's traditional new delegate breakfast before the conference begins [photo by Laura Ross]
[L-R] Paul Frankenfeld (Cincinnati), Bob Anderson (NC), Martha Chapman (Houston), Dan Florio (Dallas), Thomas Jöstlein (St Louis) [photo by Laura Ross]
ICSOM Editor Peter de Boor (Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra) addresses the new delegates as ICSOM Chairperson Meredith Snow (Los Angeles Philharmonic) looks on [photo by Laura Ross]
Symphonic Services Division's Laurence Hofmann speaks with new delegates about the ICSOM Wage Charts [photo by Laura Ross]
New delegate breakfast - Dan Florio (Dallas), Bert Witzel (Louisville), Joseph Grimmer (Kennedy Center), Julia Filson (Hawaii), Martin Andersen (NJ), Greg Harper (Colorado), Rebecca Gilmore Phillips (Virginia) [ photo by Laura Ross]
Peter de Boor (Kennedy Center) addresses new delegates at annual breakfast [photo by Laura Ross]
ICSOM Chairperson Meredith Snow (LA Phil) welcomes conference attendees; ICSOM President Paul Austin (Grand Rapids - seated) [photo by Dan Sweeley]
ICSOM Secretary Laura Ross (Nashville) reads roll call or orchestras; Meredith Snow & Paul Austin (seated) [photo by Dan Sweeley]
Welcome to Cincinnati from the Cincinnati Symphony - [L-R] Meredith Snow, Laura Ross, Paul Frankenfeld, Ted Nelson (speaking), Francie Hiltz (CSO Board chair), Paul Austin, Jonathan Martin (CSO President & CEO), Peter de Boor [photo by Dan Sweeley]
Welcome to Cincinnati (L-R} Local 1 President and conference host Paul Frankenfeld, Cincinnati ICSOM Delegate Ted Nelson (speaking), President & CEO Jonathan Martin, Paul Austin, CSO Board Chair Francie Hiltz [photo by Dan Sweeley]
Local 1 President, CSO violist and conference coordinator Paul Frankenfeld welcomes conference to Cincinnati [photo by Dan Sweeley]
ICSOM Chairperson Meredith Snow (LA Phil] addresses the 56th ICSOM Conference (ICSOM Secretary Laura Ross & ICSOM President Paul Austin seated) [photo by Dan Sweeley]
ICSOM President Paul Austin (Grand Rapids) addresses the 2018 ICSOM Conference [photo by Dan Sweeley]
ICSOM Nominating Committee Chair Julie Edwards (Utah) makes her report to the conference [photo by Dan Sweeley]
AFM President Ray Hair addresses the conference [photo by Dan Sweeley]
Local 257 (Nashville) President and IEB member Dave Pomeroy performs the song he wrote for the Butch Lewis rally in Columbus OH[photo by Dan Sweeley]
Brian Rood (Kansas City), ICSOM President Emeritus, addresses conference as AFM-EPF rank and file trustee (seated - AFM President & AFM-EPF Co-chair Ray Hair and Local 802-NYC President & AFM-EPF Trustee Tino Gagliardi) [photo by Dan Sweeley]
AFM-EPF rank & file Trustees Brian Rood and Laura Ross during the pension presentation at the conference [photo by Dan Sweeley]
view of Music Hall from Cincinnati Hilton[photo by Laura Ross]
view of Cincinnati Music Hall from Cincinnati Hilton [photo by Laura Ross]
Cincinnati Music Hall main lobby [photo by Laura Ross]
Cincinnati Music Hall lobby detail [photo by Laura Ross]
lobby décor at Cincinnati Music Hall [photo by Laura Ross]
detail over doorway at Cincinnati Music Hall [photo by Laura Ross]
these wood carvings previously formed the organ screen in Cincinnati Music Hall [photo by Laura Ross]
organ screen wood carvings [photo by Laura Ross]
Cincinnati Music Hall music library office, main desk and work space[photo by Laura Ross]
Cincinnati Music Hall music library storage (upstairs) - white canisters are fire suppression system to protect 125 years of music for CSO, Cincinnati Pops, Cincinnati Opera and May Festival[photo by Laura Ross]
Cincinnati Music Hall library storage viewed on a tour of the hall [photo by Laura Ross]
Founders Room for late comers [photo by Laura Ross]
restoration of the Cincinnati Music Hall unearthed previously walled up windows [photo by Laura Ross]
Keith Carrick (Utah), Joseph Grimmer (Kennedy Center), Conrad Cornelison (Jacksonville), Dan Getz (Boston), and Enid Collado (Puerto Rico) tour the lobby of the Cincinnati Music Hall [photo by Laura Ross]
Mixer hosted at Cincinnati Music Hall by Local 1 [photo by Laura Ross]
Micah Howard (Pittsburgh) eyes the goetta sliders [photo by Laura Ross]
ICSOM Mixer featured Cincinnati specialties - goetta (similar to scrapple), Skyline chili (with spaghetti) and Graeter's ice cream [photo by Laura Ross]
Peter de Boor at ICSOM Mixer [photo by Laura Ross]
ICSOM Chair Meredith Snow (LA Phil), along with ICSOM President Paul Austin (Grand Rapids) and Local 1 President Paul Frankenfeld welcome guests to the Mixer [photo by Laura Ross]
Player Conference Council pre-meet at the ICSOM Mixer [photo by Laura Ross]
ICSOM Mixer at Cincinnati Music Hall [photo by Laura Ross]
ICSOM President Paul Austin (Grand Rapids) [photo by Dan Sweeley]
ICSOM Editor Peter de Boor (Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra) speaks to delegates about ICSOM publications (Paul Austin - seated) [photo by Dan Sweeley]
ICSOM President Emeritus and Chair of the ICSOM Electronic Media Committee, Brian Rood, reports on IMA negotiations [photo by Dan Sweeley]
SSD Electronic Media Director Debbie Newmark [photo by Dan Sweeley]
Former ICSOM Chairman Bruce Ridge (North Carolina) addresses the delegates following publication of his new collected writings "Last Year's Words, and Next Year's Voices" [photo by Dan Sweeley]
A brief reunion at Nada [L-R] Martin Andersen, Kimberly Tichenor, Bruce Ridge, Michael Moore, Brian Rood, Meredith Snow, Peter de Boor and Laura Ross
Town Hall Meeting [L-R]: Bob Anderson (NC), Kevin Kozak (AL), Brad Mansell (Nashville), Debbie Brooks (Ft Worth), Warren Powell (FL), Gail Sharp (Columbus), Martin Andersen (NJ), Meredith Snow (LA Phil) [photo by Laura Ross]
Monica Fosnaugh (Detroit) at the mike during the closed Town Hall Meeting with delegates and governing board members [photo by Laura Ross]
Peter de Boor (Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra) during Town Hall Meeting [photo by Laura Ross]
Reflections during the Town Hall Meeting [photo by Laura Ross]
Gail Sharp (Columbus), Julia Filson (Hawaii), Rebecca Gilmore PHillips (Virginia) [photo by Laura Ross]
John Chisholm (San Francisco) and Barb Corbato (Grand Rapids) at Town Hall Meeting [photo by Laura Ross]
Marisa Bushman (San Antonio) [photo by Laura Ross]
Julie Edwards (Utah) [photo by Laura Ross]
Gail Kruvand (NYC Opera) and Zach Galatis (Oregon) at Town Hall Meeting [photo by Laura Ross]
Martha Chapman (Houston) at Town Hall Meeting [photo by Laura Ross]
Mary Anne Dell'Aquila (Indianapolis), Kimberly Tichenor (Louisville), Dan Florio (Dallas) at Town Hall Meeting [photo by Laura Ross]
Player Conferences Council discussion Robert Fraser (OCSM/OMOSC President), Meredith Snow (ICSOM Chair) and (standing) Marc Sazer (RMA President) [photo by Dan Sweeley]
Player Conferences Council discussion - Mike Smith (ROPA President) and Bob Fraser (OCSM/OMOSC President) [photo by Dan Sweeley]
OCSM/OMOSC President Bob Fraser with Meredith Snow [photo by Dan Sweeley]
Puerto Rico Delegate Enid Collado poses for a selfie of the standing ovation from the ICSOM conference for her colleagues in the Puerto Rico Symphony [photo by Enid Collado]
Former ICSOM Chair Bruce Ridge (North Carolina), Enid Collado (Puerto Rico) and Randy Whatley (Cypress Media) [photo by Laura Ross]
ICSOM President Emeritus Brian Rood talks about 403Bs and 401Ks [photo by Dan Sweeley]
SageView financial advisor Jeff Gratton talks about how to use your broker with your orchestra's 403B or 401K plan with ICSOM Counsel Kevin Case [photo by Dan Sweeley]
ICSOM discusses diversity within our ranks with information from Jessica Schmidt of Orchestrate Inclusion [photo by Dan Sweeley]
Cincinnati Symphony's Director of Engagement and Learning, Ahmad Mayes participates in ICSOM's diversity discussion [photo by Dan Sweeley]
Jessica Schmidt (Orchestrate Inclusion) and Local 65-699 President Lovie Smith-Wright participate in ICSOM's diversity discussion [photo by Dan Sweeley]
SSD Director Rochelle Skolnick discusses her participation in the League of American Orchestra's new audition support initiative to assist under-represented minorities [photo by Dan Sweeley]
ICSOM Secretary Laura Ross, ICSOM Counsel Kevin Case, ICSOM President Paul Austin and ICSOM Chairperson Meredith Snow at Town Hall Meeting [photo by Enid Collado]
on walkabout in Cincinnati - Rebecca Gilmore Phillips (Virginia) and Bob Anderson (North Carolina) [photo by Rebecca Gilmore Phillips]
Martha Chapman (Houston) and John Chisholm (San Francisco) enjoy the hotel's art deco décor and furnishings
Dinner w/friends: [L-R] John Lofton (LA Phil), Matt Comerford (Lyric), Kimberly Tichenor (Louisville), Meredith Snow (LA Phil), Martha Chapman (Houston), Peter de Boor (Kennedy Center), Laura Ross (Nashville), Ruth Lane (SF Opera), Michael Moore (Atlanta)
The Boys pose for photos: Michael Moore (Atlanta), Peter de Boor (Kennedy Center), John Lofton (LA Phil) & Matt Comerford (Chicago Lyric) [photo by Laura Ross]
The Girls pose too! Kimberly Tichenor (Louisville), Laura Ross (Nashville), Meredith Snow (LA Phil), Martha Chapman (Houston) & Ruth Lane (SF Opera) [photo by Michael Moore]
Virginia Delegate Rebecca Gilmore Phillips and SSD Negotiator Todd Jelen [photo by Rebecca Gilmore Phillips]
Randy Whatley (Cypress Media) and ICSOM Counsel Kevin Case discuss potential work stoppages [photo by Dan Sweeley]
Double checking Robert's Rules of Order while dealing with resolutions {Laura Ross, Kevin Case and Meredith Snow} [photo by Dan Sweeley]
Leonard Bernstein is 100 today, August 25! [photo by Laura Ross]
Chocolate and banana cream cupcakes to celebrate Lenny's 100th birthday [photo by Laura Ross]