Nominating Committee Announcement
In accordance with ICSOM bylaws, elections are to be held at the 2006 ICSOM Conference for the positions of Chair, Treasurer, Editor of Senza Sordino, and two Members at Large (all two-year terms), as well as for the third delegate to the 2007 AFM Convention. The duties of all ICSOM officers are spelled out in the ICSOM bylaws, which are available on the ICSOM website ( and in the ICSOM delegate manual.
Consistent with the bylaws, the Governing board appointed a Nominating Committee in early March. The Nominating Committee may, at its discretion, nominate candidates for these positions. The Nominating Committee will consider all worthy candidates, including those incumbents intending to seek re-election. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the Conference.
The Nominating Committee is now able to report on the plans of most of the incumbents. Chairperson Jan Gippo will not seek re-election. Treasurer Michael Moore and Senza Sordino Editor Richard Levine will stand for re-election to their respective positions. Member at Large Nancy Stutsman will not seek re-election. Member at Large Meredith Snow has not yet made a final decision as to whether she will run again.
Among the criteria applied by the Nominating Committee are candidates’ personal abilities, experience, activity in ICSOM, compatibility with ICSOM policies and personnel, and willingness to serve. Balance of orchestra size and diversity on the Governing Board is also a consideration.
As part of its procedure, the Nominating Committee solicits from delegates and members of ICSOM orchestras any comments and criticisms, favorable or otherwise, regarding the incumbent officers and the dispatch of their duties. The committee also welcomes suggestions for other candidates for nomination for these positions. Any member of the committee may be contacted. All input to the nominating committee will be held in the strictest confidence. Committee members may be contacted by telephone or e-mail. The deadline for input is June 15.
Members of the nominating committee are:
David Angus, Chair
Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra
Lynn Maxine Rosen
Utah Symphony Orchestra
Mary Plaine
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
New Webmaster Appointed
After many years of dedicated service, Robert Levine has stepped down from his post as ICSOM webmaster. The ICSOM Governing Board wishes to express its great appreciation to Robert for the outstanding job he did for so long in that role and for his pioneering that established ICSOMs presence on the Internet. We all owe Robert a debt of gratitude for leading the way in this technology. In 1995, when our website was created, few nonprofit organizations had a Web presence; it was Robert who gave us ours.
The Governing Board is pleased to announce that Bruce Christensen of the Nashville Symphony has agreed to assume the duties of webmaster for ICSOM. His experience in this area will be a tremendous asset as we further enhance the ICSOM website in order to make it an even more vital resource for our member orchestras.
ICSOM’s website is located at It is a valuable source of information for both delegates and other musicians. Among other resources to be found there are Web links to relevant organizations, Governing Board minutes, ICSOM bylaws and settlement bulletins, past issues of Senza Sordino, and instructions for subscribing to Orchestra-L, ICSOMs Internet mailing list.
The ICSOM web committee, chaired by ICSOM President Bruce Ridge, is exploring ways to expand and improve the ICSOM website and our presence on the Web. The web committee would like to hear from everyone who has suggestions and ideas that might prove helpful in this regard. Please send your suggestions to the web committee, in care of Bruce Ridge, at