Banner is now hung; we're ready to go! (photo by Keith Carrick)
Wyndham Grand Pittsburgh Downtown hotel, as viewed from Point Park, where 2021 ICSOM Conference was held (photo by Laura Ross)
View of Point Park with outline of Fort Duquesne and fountain that marks the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela to form the "mighty" Ohio River (photo by Laura Ross)
Point Park fountain as viewed from Wyndham Grand hospitality room (photo by Laura Ross)
ICSOM Chairperson Meredith Snow (LA Phil) and Local 60-471 President George Clewer at Gaucho during preconference dinner with Governing Board, conference coordinators and Local hosts (photo by Laura Ross)
A toast given by ICSOM Chairperson Meredith Snow to celebrate the opening of the conference the next day in Pittsburgh (photo by Laura Ross)
Governing Board, Conference Coordinators and Local 60-471 President celebrate upcoming ICSOM Conference in Pittsburgh PA at Gaucho
L-R: George Clewer (Local 60-471 President), Micah Howard (Pittsburgh) and wife Rachel Joseph, Bronwyn Banerdt (Conf. Coordinator - Pittsburgh), Dan Sweeley (Buffalo) (photo by Laura Ross)
L-R: Paul Gunther (Assist. Conf Coord - Minnesota-retired), Paul Austin (Grand Rapids), Keith Carrick (Utah), Michael Moore (Atlanta), Peter de Boor (Kennedy Center) (photo by Laura Ross)
412 Food Rescue volunteer event with ICSOM delegates, guests and Pittsburgh Symphony musicians (photo by Laura Ross)
412 Food Rescue volunteer event Tuesday afternoon before ICSOM Conference arranged by Pittsburgh Symphony musician Lorien Benet Hart (photo by Laura Ross)
412 Food Rescue - also pictured: Karen Fisher (Local 802 NYC) in Music is Essential t-shirt (photo by Lorien Benet Hart) PSO musicians participating but not pictured: Andrew Wickesberg, David Sogg and Phil Pandolfi
412 Food Rescue - PSO musician Chris Wu in his Food Rescue t-shirt listens to Dan Scullin from 412 Food Rescue (photo by Lorien Benet Hart)
ICSOM President Paul Austin (Grand Rapids) helps load with PSO musician Susanne Park in the background at 412 Food Rescue event (photo by Lorien Benet Hart)
ICSOM Chairperson Meredith Snow (LA Phil) carries supplies to her PSO partner Claudia Mahave's car during the 412 Food Rescue volunteer event (photo by Lorien Benet Hart)
PSO musician Claudia Mahave with ICSOM Chairperson Meredith Snow (LA Phil) at 412 Food Rescue event (photo by Lorien Benet Hart)
ICSOM Secretary Laura Ross (Nashville) bonds with PSO's soon to be newlyweds Cynthia DeAlmeida and Bill Caballero at the 412 Food Rescue volunteer event (photo by Lorien Benet Hart)
412 Food Rescue's Dan Scullin with PSO musician Chris Wu (photo by Lorien Benet Hart)
PSO musician Bob Lauver with Peter de Boor (Kennedy Center & Senza Sordino Editor) at 412 Food Rescue volunteer event (photo by Lorien Benet Hart)
PSO musician Zach Smith at 412 Food Rescue volunteer event (photo by Lorien Benet Hart)
PSO musician Irene Cheng at 412 Food Rescue volunteer event (photo by Lorien Benet Hart)
PSO musician Rhian Kenny with Mindy Whitley (Nashville) at 412 Food Rescue volunteer event (photo by Lorien Benet Hart)
Dan Scullin and Alexis Cromer from 412 Food Rescue with photographer and PSO musician Lorien Benet Hart
The Wyndham Grand welcomes ICSOM (photo by Paul Austin)
New Delegate breakfast for new delegates & alternate delegates, conference coordinators and the Governing Board on Wednesday morning before the conference officially begins (photo by Laura Ross)
New Delegate breakfast Wednesday morning (photo by Laura Ross)
ICSOM New Delegate Breakfast (photo by Laura Ross)
Conference room (photo by Rob Schumitzky)
Master of ZOOM Keith Carrick (Utah) (photo by Laura Ross)
View of the conference room from Keith Carrick's (Utah) perspective (photo by Laura Ross)
Keith Carrick (Utah) hard at work with the ZOOM controls; Mindy Whitley (Nashville) in right foreground (photo by Laura Ross)
view of delegate seating area from head table - PSO President & CEO Melia Tourangeau in front row; former ICSOM Treasurer and PSO-retired musician Penny Brill (red jacket) seated behind (photo by Laura Ross)
view of conference seating from head table (photo by Laura Ross)
the conference room from one end to the other (photo by Dan Sweeley)
Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald addresses the conference (photo by Laura Ross)
AFM President Ray Hair addresses the conference (photo by Dan Sweeley)
Orchestra Projects of Note panel presentation by delegates from Alabama, Chicago, Chicago Lyric (online), Kennedy Center, and Puerto Rico (photo by Laura Ross)
ICSOM President Paul Austin (Grand Rapids) (photo by Dan Sweeley)
Brad Whitfield (Alabama) and Doug Rosenthal (Kennedy Center) during Orchestra Projects of Note presentation (photo by Dan Sweeley)
Doug Rosenthal (Kennedy Center) explains how his orchestra's pit musicians kept themselves in the public eye during the pandemic in the 2020-21 season (photo by Dan Sweeley)
Miles Maner (Chicago) waves to the crowd as he prepares to participate in the Orchestra Projects of Note presentation - José Manuel Villegas Rivera and Miguel Rivera from the Puerto Rico Symphony are also pictured (photo by Dan Sweeley)
Chicago Symphony ICSOM Delegate Miles Maner watches his colleague's videos during the Orchestra Projects of Note presentation (photo by Dan Sweeley)
Puerto Rico Symphony ICSOM Delegate Miguel Rivera speaking during Orchestra Projects of Note presentation (photo by Dan Sweeley)
José Manuel Villegas Rivera - Secretary-Treasurer of Local 555 and Puerto Rico Symphony member speaks about their Facebook Live campaign during Orchestra Projects of Note (photo by Dan Sweeley)
Orchestra Projects of Note - Brad Whitfield speaks about Alabama Symphony's social media platform (photo by Dan Sweeley)
Pacific Symphony delegate Rob Schumitzky photographs the Orchestra Projects of Note panel with masks... (photo by Laura Ross)
...and without masks! L-R: Brad Whitfield (Alabama), Paul Austin (Grand Rapids), Doug Rosenthal (Kennedy Center), [front] Miles Maner (Chicago Sym), José Manuel Villegas Rivera & Miguel Rivera (Puerto Rico) (photo by Laura Ross)
Pittsburgh Symphony musician and Conference Coordinator Bronwyn Banderdt distributes drink tickets at the Mixer hosted by Local 60-471 and the Musicians of the Pittsburgh Symphony (photo by Laura Ross)
Wednesday evening mixer hosted by Local 60-471 and the Musicians of the Pittsburgh Symphony in the Wyndham Grand's Kings Garden ballroom (photo by Laura Ross)
Local 60-471 President George Clewer ([sax] center) with Pittsburgh Hard Bop Sextet (Ralph Guzzi [tpt], Kevin McManus [tbn], Rick Purcell [piano], Brian Stahurski [bass] & Al Wrublesky [drums] entertain at the Mixer (photo by Laura Ross)
complete view of Kings Garden ballroom and the ICSOM Mixer hosted by Local 60-471 and the Musicians of the Pittsburgh Symphony (photo by Laura Ross)
Edmund Velasco Local 7's President "sits" in for George Clewer (Local 60-471's President) during the Mixer (photo by Rob Schumitzky)
Local 7 Secretary Tammy Noreyko celebrates with Pacific Symphony ICSOM delegate Rob Schumitzky upon becoming ICSOM's newest member orchestra earlier that day - Pacific is ICSOM's 53rd member orchestra (photo by Laura Ross)
Grand Rapids' Barb Corbato and Paul Austin with Meredith Snow (LA Phil) and one of our hosts, Micah Howard (Pittsburgh) (photo by Laura Ross)
ICSOM Mixer Wednesday evening in Pittsburgh (photo by Laura Ross)
ICSOM Chairperson Meredith Snow (LA Phil) with Puerto Rico's Miguel Rivera and José Manuel Villegas Rivera, along with ICSOM President Paul Austin (Grand Rapids) (photo by Laura Ross)
The Mixer featured Pittsburgh-focused foods that included a handmade Pierogies station with toppings (photo by Rob Schumitzky)
Regional Orchestra Players' Association (ROPA) President Mike Smith addresses the conference (photo by Dan Sweeley)
A drawing of Chris Durham and flowers from his memorial service were displayed on the screen while ROPA President Mike Smith spoke about Durham's importance to the founding of ROPA and to AFM's Symphonic Services Division (photo by Dan Sweeley)
OCSM/OMOSC President Bob Fraser addresses the conference via ZOOM (photo by Laura Ross)
CPA Paul E Block helped explain the finer points of reading budgets and financial reports (photo by Laura Ross)
Paul E Block, a CPA from Pittsburgh, presents "Finance 101: Interpreting Standard Financial Statements" on Thursday morning (photo by Dan Sweeley)
ICSOM Chairperson Meredith Snow (LA Phil), AFM President Ray Hair, and ICSOM's newest member orchestra is represented by ICSOM Delegate Rob Schumitzky (Pacific Symphony) (photo by Rob Schumitzky)
ICSOM Counsel Kevin Case (photo by Laura Ross)
ICSOM Counsel Kevin Case interviews Dr Adam Schwalje (Univ. of Iowa) to discuss safety issues as orchestras begin to return to the stage (photo by Laura Ross)
ICSOM Counsel Kevin Case’s presentation is “Variants & Vaccinations: Bargaining in a Time of Uncertainty†(photo by Dan Sweeley)
That's ICSOM Secretary Laura Ross taking a photo you're likely to see elsewhere in this gallery...(photo by Debbie Brooks)
Town Hall meeting on Thursday evening after the thunder and lightening and rain stopped (photo by Laura Ross)
ICSOM President Paul Austin (Grand Rapids) and ICSOM Chairperson Meredith Snow (LA Phil) show off their ICSOM masks (photo from Paul Austin)
ICSOM Delegate Rob Schumitzky (Pacific) and ICSOM Secretary Laura Ross (Nashville) send a greeting to Pacific's Music Director and Ross' one-time conducting teacher (photo by Rob Schumitzky)
Debbie Brooks (Fort Worth) and Doug Rosenthal (Kennedy Center) (photo by Debbie Brooks)
ICSOM Chairperson Meredith Snow (LA Phil) on the bus - in the rain - heading to the PSO Park concert that was later canceled (photo by Laura Ross)
Pittsburgh from Mount Washington: (L-R) Marvin Gruenbaum (KC), Michael Moore (ATL), Laura Ross (NASH), Meredith Snow (LA), Martha Hyde (AFMEPF), Debbie Brooks (FtW), José M Villegas Rivera (PR) - photo by Bronwyn Banerdt
Zach Galatis (Oregon), Michael Moore (Atlanta), Stephen Laifer (Rochester) and Everett Burns (Virginia) share "alternate words" to symphonic works in the hospitality suite (photo by Laura Ross)
Local 802 member and new AFM-EPF Rank & File Union Trustee Martha Hyde during a pension presentation with fellow Trustees Laura Ross and Brian Rood, and Co-Counsel Zachary Leeds (photo by Dan Sweeley)
ICSOM Member at Large and Baltimore Symphony Alternate Delegate Greg Mulligan at the microphone (photo by Debbie Brooks)
ICSOM Delegate Rob Schumitzky, ICSOM's newest member orchestra - the Pacific Symphony, at the microphone (photo by Dan Sweeley)
newly elected Senza Sordino Editor Mike Muszynski (Indianapolis) encourages delegates to send him stories and article ideas (photo by Laura Ross)
ICSOM Member at Large and Pittsburgh Symphony host Micah Howard (photo by Dan Sweeley)
ICSOM Member at Large Greg Mulligan (Baltimore) (photo by Dan Sweeley)
ICSOM Treasurer of 19 years - Michael Moore (Atlanta) - thanks the delegates and governing board for the lauds and accolades celebrating his 30 years of service on the ICSOM Governing Board (photo by Dan Sweeley)
ICSOM Counsel Kevin Case, Chairperson Meredith Snow and President Paul Austin along with delegates listen as outgoing ICSOM Treasurer Michael Moore thanks everyone for their work and support on behalf of ICSOM's orchestras (photo by Laura Ross)
ICSOM Treasurers (incoming) Peter de Boor (Kennedy Center) and (outgoing after 19 years) Michael Moore (Atlanta) in front of the Pittsburgh Symphony's home, Heinz Hall (photo by Laura Ross)
Outgoing ICSOM Governing Board members - Member at Large Micah Howard (Pittsburgh), ICSOM Hard-ass Treasurer (IHAT) Michael Moore (Atlanta), and Member at Large Greg Mulligan (Baltimore) (photo by Laura Ross)
2020-21 GB: (L-R) Kevin Case [Counsel], Meredith Snow (LA), Micah Howard (PIT), Greg Mulligan (BALT), Laura Ross (NASH), Keith Carrick (UT), Michael Moore (ATL), Peter de Boor (KCOHO), Paul Austin (GR), Dan Sweeley(BUF) (photo by Bronwyn Banerdt)
ICSOM Secretary Laura Ross (Nashville) and ICSOM Chairperson Meredith Snow (LA Phil) at Point Park fountain following 2021 ICSOM Conference
time to rest following a successful hybrid conference in Pittsburgh - thank you Local 60-471 and the Musicians of the Pittsburgh Symphony for your hospitality! (photo by Laura Ross)