Delegates arrive at rally together – photo by Daniel E. Dempster
Nurses of Louisville Audubon Hospital
ICSOM brass quintet at rally in support of fair union certification vote for nurses at Louisville Audubon Hospital
AFM President Steve Young
Charlie Schlueter (Boston), Dave Angus (Rochester), Michael Moore (Atlanta), Ray Horton (Louisville), Brian Rood (Kansas City) and Robert Levine
ICSOM brass quintet
Rally supporters
ICSOM supports nurses
ICSOM at the rally
Marsha Schweitzer & Lucinda-Lewis
Editor at work
President David Angus
Leonard Leibowitz's plaque thanking him for 30 years of service to ICSOM
Marion Albiston (Utah)
Henry Shaw, former Editor
Ron Bauers – the numbers man
Phil Ayling from the Recording Musicians Association
Theater Musicians Association presentation
ICSOM’s newest member, Nashville – Laura Ross and Deidre Bacco
ICSOM takes in a ballgame in honor of Lew Waldeck
Everybody say hi!
Take me out to the ballgame!
Take me out to the ballgame!
Leonard Leibowitz @ rally