Senza Sordino: 1971

Volume 9, #3 - February 1971
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Cleveland Disappointed - Cleveland accepts inferior contract to New York and Chicago after long strike
Montreal Pleased - planning committee established, new contract negotiated
Senza Sordino Puzzler - crossword puzzle
The International Sports Scene - NY Philharmonic plays Japan Philharmonic, game ends in 3-3 tie
The National Sports Scene - Pittsburgh beats Philadelphia 28-9, offers rematch
International Discords - Kogan, Shostakovich refuse to appear with Pittsburgh because of "defector" in orchestra, St. Louis musicians voice support for Rostropovich

Volume 9, #4 - April 1971
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Chairman's Message - Partnership for the Arts
Partnership Quotes
Seattle Symphony: Innocent Victim or Jonah? tour quake
Canadian Orchestras Confer
French Manager on Murder as Cause for Termination
An Open Letter to the AFM - AFM should fund ICSOM
Cincinnati violinist helps young Uruguayan musicians
Senza Sordino Puzzler
Editor's Desk - supporting Partnership for the Arts
AFM Symphony Strike Fund - 24 orchestras participate
Government Aid in the State of Washington

Volume 9, #5 - May 1971
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AFM Hosts Symphony Symposium
Chicago Breaks a Tradition: Contract Outlaws Permanent String Chairs
Honolulu Symphony Negotiates
Flash - SF Opera contract ratified
Editor's Desk - Robert Jones requests subscription
Chairman's Message - AFM symposium, orchestral leadership, Partnership for the Arts
Senza Sordino Puzzler - crossword puzzle

Volume 9, #6 - August 1971
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ICSOM's 12th Annual Conference - agenda
$30 Million Funding Goal Near - NEA bill progresses
Seattle Welcomes ICSOM Delegates - letter from Seattle musicians
Texans First With Mostest - Houston musicians make gains
A Dixie Serenade - New Orleans orchestra president nominated for local loving cup award
Denver and ICSOM Both Losers - Denver delegate resigns to return to school
Houston Musicians Choose (?) New Conductor - conductor evaluations help Houston musicians find Music Director
Senza Sordino Puzzler - crossword puzzle
UN Harmony at Last? - proposal to form UN Symphony Orchestra
LA Nixes Bad Manuscript - LA musicians refuse to play illegible Ives symphony
Defector's Chair - two Warsaw 'cellists press "Eject"

Volume 10, #1 - October 1971
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Twelve Years Old and Still Growing - ICSOM Conference
New Canadian Area Established - fifth ICSOM region
Recording Committee Appointed - recording, cable, video
Chairman's Recommendations - Senza to go to music students, paper on orchestral careers, speakers bureau, orchestra lobbies, funding
Sipser Lectures on Bargaining - discusses wage-price freeze
Digest of Treasurer's Report, Senza Financial Report
Introducing the Atlanta Symphony
ICSOM Acts on Wage Freeze - letter to Nixon
Honolulu Ratifies Pact
Take Three Giant Steps Backwards - management proposals

Volume 10, #2 - December 1971
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New York City Opera Orchestra First With Cable TV Contract
Philadelphia Acts on Wage Freeze
Seattle Inks Unusual Pact - sets up joint committee
About Those Conductor Evaluations . . . send 'em in!
Dallas Lockout Ends - complete with cartoon
Two Pennants Fly in Pittsburgh - Mahlers beat NY Penguins
ICSOM's Wandering Minstrels - musicians jump orchestras
ICSOM Welcomes the Oregon Symphony
Meet Ralph Mendelson - ICSOM Chair

Cleveland Orchestra

With Giancarlo Guerrero at the Arsht Center