Senza Sordino: 1980

Volume 18, #3 - February 1980
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The New Recording Agreement
Minnesota Resolves Differences After Short Work Stoppage
At Least a Gesundheit! - reprint from The Violinist, 1912
Touring Grants Assisting American Orchestras
1979-80 Symphony Wage Chart
Oklahoma Symphony Orchestra Reaches Agreement
You've Come a Long Way, Baby - discussion of termination clauses in old symphony contracts
Memorial Fund Established in Memory of Ralph Mendelson

Volume 18, #4 - April 1980
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The Three Mile Island "Incident" - Minnesota musicians refuse hot date, arbitration results
A New Revolving String Concept (or, who's on first bass)
Record Pirate Nailed by FBI
Money Talk from the Treasurer
New IRS Code Restrictions Discriminatory
Letter - from NY Philharmonic TSA committee advocating ICSOM orchestras shop for TSA's as a group

Volume 18, #5 - June 1980
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What Are Friends For? - St. Louis musicians play strike benefit with Kansas City Philharmonic
Oregon Symphony Has New Music Director
Oregon Symphony Hosts This Year's ICSOM Conference
Letter from the Chairman
Seattle Symphony Signs Three Year Contract
ICSOM's Newest Addition, the Utah Symphony Orchestra
Letter - from Frederick Zenone to AFM IEB protesting recommendation for national work dues
Beecham the Irrepressible - a Beecham story
San Francisco Management and Players Save School Music Program
Recording Technology Expanding
From Here and There - news items
Check That TSA Year End Statement

Volume 18, #6 - August 1980
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Federation Work Dues: An Intolerable Burden
Cleveland Strike Ends
Toledo Symphony Orchestra Chooses New Music Director
A Truck Driver's Idea of Accelerando, or, Nobody's Perfect - one-tone cola dispenser attacks Cincinnati Symphony
Job Satisfaction: For Some, An Elusive Search
The Berlin Philharmonic Circa 1912 - The Violinist, 1912
Letter From the Editor
Beecham the Irrepressible - a Beecham story

Volume 19, #1 - October 1980
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Turbulence in Portland: Mt. St. Helens Simmers, Orchestra Delegates Boil
Question: When is Ratification Not Ratification?
I Wonder If Denny Kordell Got The Job? - dog applies for personnel manager position in North Carolina
Changing of the Guard
Fred Zenone New ICSOM Chairman
Convention Notes
Rochester and Syracuse Orchestras Locked in Bitter Baseball Battle
Schuller One-Sided - response by Seattle musician to remarks of Gunther Schuller
Letter to Treasurer - from St. Louis musicians on repayment of loan from ICSOM Emergency Relief Fund
Cincinnati Agrees to Three Year Pact
Negotiation News
Boston Contract a Pace Setter

Volume 19, #2 - December 1980
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The Metropolitan Opera Lockout: The Saga of An Orchestra
Cable TV: Wave of the Future?
Denver Symphony Almost Self-Destructs - season canceled, then agreement reached
Regionals Caucus on Problems
Oom Pah Pah - letter to Minnesota newspaper from tubist of Metropolitan Opera Orchestra

Chicago Lyric Opera Orchestra

Lyric Opera Orchestra w/ CSO Chorus at Orchestra Hall