A Report From Vienna - on European orchestras
National Symphony Settlement
Vance Beach Elected to Local Office - Local 47 post
Pollution in the Pit - truck fumigates Australian orchestra
Czech Team Measures Musician Stress - study demonstrates physiological reactions to performance- related stress
Now All Share the Load - Dallas local makes strike fund and ICSOM dues mandatory for all DSO musicians
A Water-What? - percussionist nearly derailed by goldfish
Nine New Faces in Denver - musicians join orchestra
From the Editor's Desk - Philadelphia musician battles mandatory retirement at age 65
Memo - NYC Opera musicians banned from practicing at NY State Theater
Recording Symposium Held
Conference Dates Set
Inauguration '73: Philly Goes to Washington
San Francisco Symphony Approves 3-Year Contract
Canadian Registered Retirement Plan Reduces
Musician Taxes
The Sangerfest: Choral Mind-Blowing
Quest for a Living Wage: Ten Years of Progress
Ten Year Survey of Symphony Orchestra Salaries: Part 1
From the Editor's Desk - street musicians and orchestra splitting
At the Bargaining Table - list of 20 orchestras
Houston Symphony Locked Out
Arts Bill Passes Senate; Goes to House
Letter from Fred Batchelder - urging ICSOM to oppose the Vietnam war
Orchestra Splitting Studied
Raoul Berger Now Plays a Different Tune - one-time assistant concertmaster of Cincinnati meets with Watergate Senate investigative committee
The Francis Henrickson Case: A Study in Calumny - lawsuit on behalf of Atlanta musician settled out of court
Ten Year Survey of Symphony Orchestra Salaries -Part 2
AFM Rules on Recording Charges
Philly Orchestra To Visit China
ICSOM's 14th Annual Conference To Be Held
Houston Symphony Lockout Ends: Timetable of Events, the Settlement
ICSOM Holds Annual Conference
ICSOM Committee Studies Orchestra Splitting
Minnesota Musicians Defend Colleague
David Smiley Obituary - Vice-Chairman of ICSOM
St. Louis Contract Contains Recording Guarantee
Cleveland Symphony Orchestra Wins ICSOM Support
Beware! The Year of the Test: the NYC Opera Negotiates
Dallas Signs One Year Contract
Chicago Lockout Ended
Denver Locked Out: Signs One Year Agreement
Letter from George Zazofsky - on the death of David Smiley
Jim Weaver Obituary - ICSOM Western Area Representative
Honolulu Members Ratify Three-Year Agreement
The Musicians of the New York Philharmonic Will
Perform Tonight in Lisbon - advertisement from the musicians appearing in the New York Times
New York Philharmonic Negotiations
New Jersey Symphony Wages Reduced Over 50%
Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra
Joshua Koestenbaum, cellist