Prodigal Returns - The AFM-EP Fund
Conductor Evaluations - Why Bother?
Preliminary 1995-96 ICSOM Wage Chart
1994-95 ICSOM Orchestra Recording Sessions
"Input is Futile: Prepare to be Ignored" - an editorial on musicians and boards
"Pay Now - Pray Later?" - the advantages of paying tax on LTD premiums
Handy Hints, Volume III
Newslets - Symphony Orchestra Institute, Musicians beat IRS, Du Brul takes new job
Death and Transfiguration - The Rebirth of the Honolulu Symphony
In Memoriam Henry Loew
Phono Negotiations Concluded
Newslets - ASOL, AFM, ICSOM, ROPA meet; Symphony Orchestra Institute awards Doctoral Fellowships
New ICSOM Leadership Unveiled in Vail
1996 Conference Keynote Address
Be It Resolved
Silence In San Diego
Orchestras In The News
Philadelphia Strike Ends
Chair Report
The Depreciation Deduction
Atlanta Strike Is Over
Striking the Job, Not the Music
AFM Strike Fund Benefit Increased
San Francisco Symphony Votes To Strike
Orquesta Sinfonica de Puerto Rico