Who Chooses Our Conductors? The Cleveland Story - Maazel hired over objections of musicians
Chicago Triumphs At Home and Abroad
Report From Milwaukee - orchestra makes Carnegie debut
Welcome to Winnipeg - orchestra joins ICSOM
Settlement in San Antonio - discharged musicians drop suit
Bob Maisel: Secretary of ICSOM
San Francisco Inks One-Year Pact: 18% Gain Despite Freeze
Stalemate in Baltimore and Indianapolis - orchestras strike
Who Chooses Our Conductors? A Report from Boston - ICSOM evaluations prove effective, Ozawa picked
Nuggets from Montreal - contract clauses
The Editor's Desk - on negotiations, conductor evaluations
Stephen Goble Obituary - Milwaukee musician
Harold Laudenslager Obituary - former ICSOM secretary
Stress and Musicianship - reprint from "Das Orchester"
ICSOM Stalwarts - on Smiley, Shaw, and Weaver
Two Year Pact Signed in St. Louis
One Strike Settled: Two Suspended - Cincinnati settles, mayors intercede in Indianapolis and Baltimore
Honolulu Insures Its Contract - musicians help raise money
Note to a Maestro - poem on desire of string section to leave
ICSOM's Past Leadership - Zazofsky, Raffaelli, Denov
A Tale of Two Cities - Seattle musicians distribute
statement of support for Baltimore, Comissiona contributes fee
The Chairman's Message - Partnership for the Arts
Montreal to Host 1972 Conference
Conference Agenda
Book Reviews - "Bach, Beethoven and Bureaucracy,"
"Hollywood Studio Musicians"
Tax Sheltered Annuities
Message from Chairman Ralph Mendelson
Met Avoids Strike
ICSOM Holds Its Annual Conference
Canadian Arts Council Sets Pace for United States
Detroit Signs 40-Month Contract
Oregon Symphony Locked Out: Local 99 Files NLRB Suit
Strike Fund Report - disbursements to Cleveland, Dallas, Baltimore, Indianapolis, and Cincinnati musicians use up much of Strike Fund
Editor's Report
An "Age" Old Story - ICSOM Conference resolution against mandatory retirement clauses
You Can Beat City Hall - Rochester board overthrown, new board agrees to interim contract with musicians
Milwaukee Inks Two Year Contract
Indianapolis Signs After 25 Weeks Without a Contract
Oregon Symphony Reaches Settlement
Pittsburgh Signs in August
From the Editor's Desk - reply to article by Paul Hume entitled "Time off with Pay for Orchestra Musicians"
Philly Avoids Work Stoppage
Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra
Violinists Steven Copes and Ruggero Allifranchini with cellist Ronald Thomas