Collective Ideas: What Color Is Your Collar?
Honolulu Symphony Strike: A Voyage of Discovery
1986-87 Wage Chart
Settlement Summaries - Honolulu, Dallas
News - San Antonio musicians reject concessions; board cancels season
A Healthier Environment for the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra
Update on the Medical Care of Musicians
1986 Aspen Conference - music medicine gathering
Work Dues: Do You Get What You Pay For?
Calendar of Meetings
Health Care Cost Containment
Music Medicine Clinics
Overuse Syndrome in Musicians: An Historical Review
1987 ICSOM Conference in Salt Lake City: Highlights
"Playing Hurt" Conference in Minnesota
Milwaukee Symphony Gets Brainy Ideas - neurologist gives prevention seminars
Letters - on alternative medicine and musicians, Local 802 employee assistance program
Historical Perspective on Our 25th Anniversary
LA Players Negotiate
Settlement Summaries - Alabama, San Diego
The ICSOM Medical Questionnaire
The Use of Beta Blockers by ICSOM Musicians
Focus: Stage Fright as a Severe Problem
Focus: Severe Musculo-skeletal Problem in the Left Hand
Music Medicine Clinics
Union Networking Takes On Global Proportions -Japanese musicians contribute to musicians in Oakland and San Diego
New York Philharmonic Raises a Ruckus in Caracas - helps local orchestra in dispute
ICSOM to Increase Service to Member Orchestras
New Officers Elected
25th Anniversary: Gold Mine of Information is Tom Hall's Present to ICSOM
Founding Father of ICSOM Graces Conference -Henry Shaw
AFM Presence at ICSOM Conference
Musical Organizations Scale to Summit - player conferences form committee
Chairperson's Report
Dues Increase
Orchestra San Antonio Report - musicians form orchestra after cancellation of season
The Association for Union Democracy: Leader Addresses 1987 Conference
It Shouldn't Hurt To Be a Musician - the first "Playing Hurt" conference
Can We Talk? - ICSOM meets with major managers group
News - Florida Orchestra joins, Toledo leaves,
ICSOM president resigns, new dues structure
Settlement Summaries - New Orleans, Phoenix, National, Denver, Chicago Lyric, Houston, SF Opera, Syracuse, SPCO, Los Angeles, Rochester, Philadelphia
New York Philharmonic