Senza Sordino: 1979

Volume 17, #3 - February 1979
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Age Discrimination in Employment Act Amendments Now Operable: The Effect of the Act on Pensions and Health and Welfare Plans
The New Jersey Symphony Strike: The Search for Job Security
ICSOM Research Assistant to be Hired
Indianapolis Symphony Performs Haydn's Cremation
1978-79 Symphony Wage Chart
Job Hunting Abroad ? There Could Be Problems
Syracuse Musician Elected Head of Local 78

Volume 17, #4 - May 1979
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Seattle Strike Ends
Open Letter to Sherrill Milnes from Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Committee - urging him not to appear in performance in Seattle without orchestra
ICSOM History Reviewed in Newly Published Handbook
San Francisco Negotiation Long but Friendly
The AFM- EPW Fund
Three-Fourths of ICSOM Orchestras Now in Strike Fund
House Lights On Again at Kennedy Center Opera

Volume 17, #5 - June 1979
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Ralph Mendelson Passes
ICSOM Conference in Minneapolis this Year
The Swiss Symphony Musician: A Comparison of Employment Conditions
Letter from Kennedy Center Orchestra Committee to Soviet Communist Party official - protesting detention of members of Moscow Philharmonic
The Orchestra of Illinois is Born
Conference Expense Now Picked Up by Thirty AFM Locals
Letter - problems with annuity carrier in LA and SF
Hubermann Strad Brings $300,000
Houston Settlement Beats Deadline

Volume 17, #6 - August 1979
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The AFM Convention: An Observer's Viewpoint
Indianapolis Signs Three Year Contract
Hiawatha's Fiddling - reprint from The Violinist, 1911
So You Think the Concorde Is Loud - Philadelphia performs Crumb's "Star Child"
Minority Program Wins Wide Acceptance
Score: 15 to 4: Culture Wins! Battle to Save Symphony in Campanis, Brazil
Canada Needs a Curtis or Julliard - letter from OCSM Chair
Kennedy Center Employees Stand United - Kennedy Center Orchestra honors picket line of another house union

Volume 18, #1 - October 1979
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Agreement in Chicago after One Week Strike
St. Louis Strike Ends
Minority Program Discussed
Nikisch on Musician Individuality
Bon Voyage, DSO - Detroit goes to Europe
ICSOM Meets in Minneapolis
Dallas Signs One Year Pact
Orchestra News From Abroad: Hong Kong - massacre by new conductor; Greece- dissolution of two orchestras in Athens
Letter from Detroit musician - protesting "sideman"
Grant Park Committee Helps Choose New Manager

Volume 18, #2 - December 1979
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St. Louis Weathers Seven Week Strike
Chicago Concert Broadcast Live by BBC
Let's Help Bust The Broadcast Lobby
Oregon Signs In September
Henry Shaw to be NEA Panel Member
Letter from the Editor
A New Noun is Born: "ICSOM-ization" - discussion of remarks by Gunther Schuller
Toledo Ratifies New Contract: Begins Search for New Music Director

Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra